
Homeopathy sees health as freedom…

… on the physical level, where each part of the body from the cells to the organ systems operates with ease, grace and energy in an integrated harmonious way for optimum efficiency, allowing the body to respond quickly and appropriately to situations with little pain or limitations.

… on the emotional level, where we experience the widest array of emotions possible: we have satisfying relationships with family, friends, society and ourselves. We do not repress grief or have uncontrolled anger.

… on the mental level, when the various functions of the mind operate with clarity and efficiency. We experience self-expression using our thoughts, we see improvement in our short- and long-term memory, and our mind is able to shut down at night from the day’s events and anxieties to allow us to recuperate. 

“What is Homeopathy and how does it work? “

Homeopathy is an advanced system of natural medicine that has been bringing healing to the world for over two hundred years and on every continent. Homeopathic medicines may be effectively applied in chronic (long-term) conditions, as well as acute (short-term) illnesses of adults, children and animals. Homeopathy is not to be confused with herbal medicine or nutritional therapy, as it is a distinct and integral system unto itself. The fundamental principle of homeopathy, termed the Law of Similars, is based on the observation that the specific medicine most truly curative for a patient, will be one that is able to cause a pattern of symptoms very similar to the characteristic symptoms from which the patient suffers. Samuel Hahnemann (1755 – 1843) rediscovered the ancient healing principle of curing through symptom similarity, and through careful clinical experiment created and refined the homeopathic system of medicine at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

Homeopathy is a truly holistic approach to health; one that emphasizes people rather than diseases. Homeopathy recognizes that each person responds uniquely to the forces of their heredity and environment. The total pattern of mental, emotional and physical alterations from health (symptoms) are the indications of the body’s effort to defend and heal itself. Classical homeopathic method seeks to discover the unique characteristics that mark each individual case of illness. In order to do so, a very thorough case taking procedure is an essential cornerstone of practice. A single homeopathic medicine is then selected for its symptom similarity to the foremost characteristics of the patient. The similar nature of substance and symptoms allows the homeopathic remedy to touch the deep root of disease. Since homeopathy acts upon the constitution as a whole, when a person becomes well through homeopathy they find improvements in their overall health.

Information on the symptoms associated with homeopathic remedies is derived from tests on the healthy, known as ‘provings’, as well as through the study of clinically cured cases. The remedies themselves are derived from all possible sources and are prepared by licensed homeopathic pharmaceutical manufacturers. The homeopathic remedies are prepared according to a unique method that renders them entirely safe, yet brings out remarkable healing capacities within each individual substance. An increasing body of scientific research is proving the potent biological action of homeopathic preparations.

The practitioner of homeopathy must be well versed in the science of the body in both health and disease. They must further have a thorough grasp of homeopathic philosophy, case taking, case analysis and materia medica. They must have a shrewd apprehension of human nature and be able to recognize the obstructions to cure that are found in the diet and lifestyle of their patients.For more info, see the rest of the Hanp site at http://www.hanp.net/

For excellent ARTICLES on Homeopathy, please visit the site of Dr. Andre Saine at http://www.homeopathy.ca for links to other practitioners and info at http://www.homeopathy.ca

Set Yourself Free with Homeopathy – An interview by Julie Lees

You’ve heard the word before, but what exactly is Homeopathy? The Oxford English dictionary describes homeopathy as the treatment of disease by minute doses of drugs that, in a healthy person, would produce symptoms like those of the disease. It is based on the theory that “like cures like,” and it has been in practice from as early as the eighteenth century, although the concept was also familiar to the Greeks and Romans.

“Cures are not always quick fixes,” says Dr. Manon Bolliger, Director of the HEALING WHAT IS centre. Naturopathic physician, classical homeopath and certified senior Bowen instructor, Dr. Bolliger explains, “Think how long it took your body to develop a condition like chronic fatigue, or psoriasis. It will take a percentage of the time it took your body to develop the problem to restore its functioning integrity.”

In general terms, homeopathy works like this: people will react to a remedy that most parallels their collection of symptoms thereby forcing the immune system to react. This reaction is called an aggravation, and in response to that aggravation, the body will do whatever it takes to realign itself to a healthier pattern.

“I like to inform my patients that what they come to see me about may not be the first thing the body rids itself of,” says Dr. Bolliger. “Homeopathy is a deep healing method, so the body will improve in the inverse order of the apparition of the symptoms. The most recent ailments to afflict a patient will be the first to go. The body will work backwards, continually digging deeper to get at the cause of all these symptoms. As well, there is a hierarchy of importance implicit to healing and the body will first address mental and emotional problems before dealing with a more superficial physical problem like eczema. Once the process has begun, there is an intuitive order by which the body heals.”

Dr. Bolliger has offered naturopathy, homeopathy and the Bowen technique as part of her professional practice for the last 15 years. She treats patients for physical, emotional and psychological balancing. “When a body is in dis-ease,” she says, “it is unable to manage its health in the most efficient or appropriate way.” Bodies can get stuck in patterns of reaction trying to solve a problem, and sometimes develop inappropriate techniques to try to resolve the ailment.

When a patient receives treatment, the body will react to the initial dose. Eventually the body will stop reacting. This is referred to as a relapse. It is then necessary to repeat the dose. “It is as if the remedy has expired,” says Dr. Bolliger, “and it is necessary to take another dose to remind the body to get back to work in the healing direction.” The medicine stimulates the body into action.

For example, a seasonal nasal allergy is an over-reaction to an allergen, like pollen. When the patient and the Homeopath strengthen the immune system, this removes or reduces the over-reaction to a more appropriate level, and the body eliminates those foreign pollens in a more efficient manner.

Perhaps someone has a fear of heights. Any rational amount of thinking will not undo the fearful reaction the person experiences when climbing to an uncomfortable height because the fear is stronger than the rational mind. The person becomes stuck in a pattern. Homeopathic medicine acts as a stimulus to the unconscious mind to react more appropriately, to let go of its fear and its hold over the rational mind.

Getting to the cause of the problem, condition or pattern feels a lot like detective work: the practitioner and patient investigate the patient’s health history for telling information and often uncover surprises that are unique to the patient. “I always ask my clients to share every detail they can think of,” says Dr. Bolliger, “the more peculiar the better because that’s what helps me find the best remedy.”

The art of homeopathy is in the initial interview, in which the practitioner gathers all the information and attempts to unravel the homeopathic picture. The art is finding the “match” which resonates with the person. The science of homeopathy is based on ascertaining whether the remedy has acted from the direction of healing that ensues. Case management is a great skill and Dr. Bolliger shares much of her insight with her patients so they can gain a deeper understanding of the healing process.

The general guidelines are:

  • Symptoms disappear in the reverse order of their appearance.
  • Mental/emotional issues are addressed in priority sequence to functional/physical complaints.
  • Skin eruptions and elimination processes are the way the body rids itself of disease.
  • Symptoms move from internal organs to external organs.
  • Symptoms move from above, downwards.

Patients may have “common problems” but these ailments (whether asthma, digestive problems or headaches for example) manifest themselves differently in each of us because we are unique and individual. The way we choose to heal ourselves can reflect that. Homeopathy is an excellent choice!

The Bowen technique works extremely well in conjunction with homeopathy and ideally with a time interval so as to properly assess the healing potential of each modality. To read more about Dr. Bolliger and the Bowen technique please click here.

To view further information about homeopathy in Canada and Dr. Bolliger’s practice, please visit www.canadahomeopathy.com.
The following are links to articles that will provide you with further information about homeopathy: www.homeopathy.ca


“What is Homeopathy Anyway?”

Our bodies can get stuck in a chronic pattern of dis-ease. If left unattended, our bodies grow used to the condition, compensate for it and entrench it into our make-up. Homeopathy sees this as the body’s inability to manage its health in the most appropriate way. Through extensive case taking, the homeopath finds a remedy that matches the compensated state of the patient so as to enable it to respond appropriately.

“What can it treat?”

Homeopathy can treat common, chronic, autoimmune and hereditary diseases. You may benefit from homeopathic treatment if you suffer from allergies, headaches, asthma, arthritis, chronic fatigue or insomnia. People suffering from skin conditions, digestive disorders, diabetes and multiple sclerosis may also benefit from treatment. If you are suffering from a dis-ease in your body, whether it is physical, mental or emotional, your best bet is to contact a Homeopath to discuss your options.

“What happens when I come for an appointment?”

The first meeting is usually a two-hour interview. The Homeopath will ask you a series of questions (many more than you may be used to), to understand how the condition or dis-ease is manifesting itself in your specific body. It can feel like detective work for both the practitioner and the patient and no observation is discounted (“the stranger the better” some practitioners say).

“What am I supposed to talk about when I see the homeopath”

Any and all reactions and observations you can think of that relate to the issue at hand. They may be symptoms that recently started, some form of food you no longer have a taste for, or a change in your sleep pattern. Every single change or discomfort you can think of will be useful information for the homeopath, as it will lead to a more individual treatment for you.

“How does homeopathy work on a physical problem?”

Homeopathy strives to deal with the cause of an ailment, not its symptoms. Each person is unique, therefore each ailment is unique. Five people may see a Homeopath about the same condition, for example, arthritis, however each of the five patients will have his or her own unique set of symptoms and patterns. By uncovering these unique symptoms, the Homeopath will assemble five different remedies, one each for the five different patients, calling directly to the combinations of ailments expressed by the patients.

“Can homeopathy balance my emotions?”

Homeopathy allows each part of the body, from the cells to the organ systems, to operate with ease, grace and energy in an integrated and harmonious way to achieve optimum efficiency. This allows our bodies to respond quickly and appropriately to situations with little pain or limitations. One of homeopathy’s goals is to allow the body to experience the widest possible array of emotions. Ideally, it helps us have satisfying relationships with family, friends, society and ourselves. With treatment we are able to freely and safely release, instead of repress or endlessly express, grief and anger.

“What about my mental state?Sometimes I can’t seem to remember what day it is, other times I just can’t seem to put my thoughts in order.”

Homeopathy strives to have various functions of the mind operating with clarity and efficiency: self expression through our thoughts; functioning short- and long- term memory; and the ability to turn the day’s events and anxieties off at night so we have time to recuperate.

“How do I know it’s working?”

Most often you will notice a change in your energy level and a general feeling of well being. Your most recent symptom will clear up first. Your body will continue clearing up symptoms in a reverse order until it reaches an equilibrium or that the original cause of your dis-ease has been addressed.